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A European View on Digitalisation

A European View on Digitalisation

June 8th, 2017 Maurane Populo

Digitalization is no longer a sideshow, it has moved to centre stage and is changing the whole game. As the 2015 Gartner CIO Survey (gathering data from 2,810 CIO respondents in 84 countries and all major industries, representing approximately $12.1 trillion in revenue/public-sector budgets and $397 billion in IT spending) has shown, the Digitalization is READ MORE >

Erasmus+ Survey 2017

Erasmus+ Survey 2017

June 3rd, 2017 Maurane Populo

The Lifelong Learning Platform organises a yearly evaluation on the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme. The survey aims to provide decision-makers with an evaluation  coming from the programme’s direct beneficiaries on what works and what could be improved. The survey contains questions on various aspects related for instance to the application procedures, to the relations with READ MORE >



May 22nd, 2017 Maurane Populo

Let’s code!

Let’s code!

April 28th, 2017 Maurane Populo

Sai cos’è il coding? Vuoi saperne di più? Sai che può aiutare ad imparare in modo nuovo e più facile la matematica? Vuoi scoprire come? Partecipa a un sondaggio e grazie al tuo contributo capirai come usare in modo divertente e utile il coding anche a scuola! Stiamo raccogliendo informazioni circa i bisogni formativi più READ MORE >