The Digit Edu Annual Conference kicked off in Brussels with a warm welcome and insightful opening remarks that set the tone for a day dedicated to exploring the future of digital education. The event brought together experts, educators, and thought leaders to delve into key aspects of formal education and its digital transformation.

The first panel session, titled “Formal education and digitalisation; key aspects and drivers towards achieving digital readiness and capacity within educational institutions,” sparked engaging discussions on the pivotal role of digitalization in shaping the future of education. Participants explored the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital landscape within educational institutions.

The second panel session, “Perspectives on Future trends in European Education area,” delved into the impact of Artificial Intelligence on education. The open discussion tackled the opportunities and challenges AI brings to the forefront, shedding light on how it can shape the European education landscape in the years to come.

In the third panel session, “Supporting teachers and education leaders,” the spotlight was on the SELFIE FOR TEACHERS tool, with a guided presentation showcasing its potential to foster digitalized pedagogy. The tool, designed to support educators and leaders, received positive feedback for its practical application in enhancing teaching methodologies through digital means.

The conference also featured interactive workshops that encouraged active brainstorming and contributions from attendees. These workshops provided a platform for collaborative discussions on innovative approaches to digital education, ensuring that diverse perspectives were considered in shaping the future of learning.

The Digitedu Annual Conference in Brussels proved to be a dynamic and insightful platform, fostering a collaborative spirit among participants who are dedicated to advancing digital education. As the event concluded, attendees left with a renewed sense of purpose and a shared commitment to navigating the ever-evolving landscape of education in the digital age.

Explore the conference agenda by clicking here to download the detailed schedule.