Digital Economy Taxation: open consultation launched
Until January 2018, you have the opportunity to participate in the public consultation launched by the EU Commission on the taxation of digital economy. The open web tax consultation aims to define a digital economy tax approach that will ensure a more equitable and effective taxation system in support of public revenue, growth and competitiveness of the EU READ MORE >
Designed to complement existing European data sources and statistics, the first CEDEFOP opinion survey on VET in Europe is aimed at providing unique comparative information on what EU citizens think about VET in their country. Launched in 2016, more than 36.000 face-to-face interviews have been conducted among citizens over 15 years old and resident in READ MORE >
The vocational education and training has assumed increasingly relevance on helping young people and adults to find a job quickly, trained on the requested skills and competences. According to the CEDEFOP “European public opinion survey on vocational education and training”, there is a generally positive opinion about VET all over Europe, especially when we talk READ MORE >
A Partnership for Youth Employability
The European Pact for Youth will present its results tomorrow, November 23rd, in Brussels, on the occasion of the second edition of the VET Week. In Europe there are 7 millions of NEET (Not engaged in Employment, Education and Training) plus 4 millions which leave school early. This is the very important reason why a lot of companies READ MORE >
The European Digital Skills Award 2017
On the last 4th of September, the European Commission has launched the second edition of the European Digital Skills Award, a major initiative aiming to give relevance to 4 significant projects designed to improve the digital skills of citizens, labour force, ICT professionals and education providers. What’s more, an additional fifth award will go to READ MORE >