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November 23rd, 2017 Maurane Populo

The vocational education and training has assumed increasingly relevance on helping young people and adults to find a job quickly, trained on the requested skills and competences. According to the CEDEFOP “European public opinion survey on vocational education and training”, there is a generally positive opinion about VET all over Europe, especially when we talk READ MORE >

A Partnership for Youth Employability

A Partnership for Youth Employability

November 22nd, 2017 Maurane Populo

The European Pact for Youth will present its results tomorrow, November 23rd, in Brussels, on the occasion of the second edition of the VET Week. In Europe there are 7 millions of NEET (Not engaged in Employment, Education and Training) plus 4 millions which leave school early. This is the very important reason why a lot of companies READ MORE >

The European Digital Skills Award 2017

The European Digital Skills Award 2017

November 21st, 2017 Maurane Populo

On the last 4th of September, the European Commission has launched the second edition of the European Digital Skills Award, a major initiative aiming to give relevance to 4 significant projects designed to improve the digital skills of citizens, labour force, ICT professionals and education providers. What’s more, an additional fifth award will go to READ MORE >

VET:  what a great opportunity!

VET: what a great opportunity!

November 20th, 2017 Maurane Populo

VET,  the vocational education and training, aims to develop  institutional partnerships supporting the set up and implementation of an internationalisation strategy of  VET learners and apprentices and, by them, promoting work-based learning in all its forms. How aware is the European population about VET and its potential? After a total of more than 35.000 interviews READ MORE >

Innovation Radar Prize 2017

Innovation Radar Prize 2017

November 7th, 2017 Maurane Populo

The ICT Proposer’s Day will take place on the 9th and 10th of November 2017, in Budapest. During that day, 20 of the best EU-founded innovators, already identified, will compete for the Innovation Radar Prize 2017, initiative of the European Commission to detect high potential entrepreneurs. There are 5 categories, in which the candidates will READ MORE >