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January 26th, 2021 Maurane Populo

INNO-TEC-LAB “Development of opportunities in the field of design for technical careers through innovation-laboratories” is a Strategic Partnership for Higher Education, co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union (Key Action 2). The project aims to create and validate a model based on interdisciplinarity and student-centred learning to support innovation through a network of READ MORE >

School Starters’ Hub

School Starters’ Hub

January 18th, 2021 Maurane Populo

The School Starters’ Hub is a two-year KA2 Erasmus+ project that aims to transform the Secondary Schools into innovation and creativity hubs that will interconnect School, Research/ Science and Enterprises (Local and European) through the participatory approach of a European Platform. It is developed by a consortium composed of the European Digital Learning Network and READ MORE >



January 18th, 2021 Maurane Populo

Since the relationship between parents and children is changing over time, with new technologies, modern ways of communication between children, different ways of spending free time, parents are on a daily basis adapting to new information on how to communicate with their children, nurture their maturation and development and bring them up into confident and READ MORE >

1point – VET training using the one-point lessons approach

1point – VET training using the one-point lessons approach

January 18th, 2021 Maurane Populo

The advent of the internet of things and 5G-based communication protocols is leading the world of industrial production towards a real epochal turning point. In a few years, nothing will be as it was before, and the characteristics of workers engaged in various forms of industrial production must accordingly renew and adapt themselves to technological READ MORE >



December 17th, 2020 Maurane Populo

Small businesses are in general more vulnerable and have less opportunities to compete with large transnational companies while also tackling the adverse effects of climate change and seasonality. Innovative digital solutions can provide efficient ways to overcome these challenges, especially for the companies located in the rural areas, but people (owners, managers, employees) involved tend READ MORE >