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Data breaches: How to prevent and address them?

Data breaches: How to prevent and address them?

December 4th, 2020 Maurane Populo

A data breach is a type of cybersecurity incident in which information (or part of an information) is retrieved without the proper authorisation. Data breaches can occur in countless ways, as they can be performed by expert hackers or they can be the result of “human error” executed during the configuration or deployment of certain READ MORE >

Sexual abuse in the COVID-19 era: How can parents protect their child?

Sexual abuse in the COVID-19 era: How can parents protect their child?

December 3rd, 2020 Maurane Populo

Sexual child abuse can happen anywhere, both in-person and online, and is related to many different factors. Reports show that during the COVID-19 pandemic the online risks of sexual abuse have notably increased, as both children and adults spend more time online, while physical distancing has restricted contact and interaction between children and supportive adults, READ MORE >

Are you ready to become the next Cybersecurity Officer?

Are you ready to become the next Cybersecurity Officer?

November 27th, 2020 Maurane Populo

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, within its Threat Landscape Reports 2020 “Emerging Trends” and “The year in review”, as well a significant number of scholars agree on the fact that cybersecurity incidents are drastically increasing in recent years. According to the data released in the 9th Annual Report by Accenture on the “Cost of READ MORE >

Digital Footprint awareness: a share thought from our European research

November 16th, 2020 Gianluca Coppola

The concept of “digital footprint” is new. It is linked with topics such as digital identity, privacy, online safety, information management. We all live in a hyper-connected world experiencing online reality. Through our devices, we provide a vast amount of information, information that drives user’s choices, activities, preferences, purchases, interests. This paints a picture of READ MORE >

#ThinkB4UClick – The CyberSecMonth is coming!

#ThinkB4UClick – The CyberSecMonth is coming!

September 25th, 2020 Maurane Populo

Author: Alessandra d’Arrigo The European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) is the European Union’s annual campaign that wants to raise awareness of cybersecurity threats and promotes cybersecurity among citizens and organisations. This year the official motto of ECSM 2020 is ‘Think Before U Click’ #ThinkB4UClick. As presented by the European Commission and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), the programme READ MORE >