Where were we? Last news regarding ELITe were carried about the third transnational project meeting. It took place at the premises of FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas), the Research Institute located in Heraklion that has the role of coordinator within the consortium. It was mid-June 2018 at the time, and the wonderful weather READ MORE >
Tag: erasmus plus
What a plus means?
The Commission proposal to get back to the ancient “Erasmus” definition alarms adult education providers. The June Commission proposal to double funding for the Erasmus programme has been warmly welcomed by the academic, education and training sector. The initial enthusiasm, however, has soon been dampened after the surprise of what could be interpreted as a READ MORE >
Erasmus+ Survey 2017
The Lifelong Learning Platform organises a yearly evaluation on the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme. The survey aims to provide decision-makers with an evaluation coming from the programme’s direct beneficiaries on what works and what could be improved. The survey contains questions on various aspects related for instance to the application procedures, to the relations with READ MORE >