All posts by Maurane Populo

Stakeholders consultation on the Commission’s proposals for Council Recommendation on digital education and skills

The European Digital Learning Network ETS was invited to participate in a consultation part of a series of encounters organized by the European Commission to gather views and input from key players and stakeholders of the education and digital fields. In this context, the European Digital Learning Network ETS actively took part in an online READ MORE >

STEAME learning and teaching in schools

There’s no doubt that children are the future of our society. What we must keep in mind is the role of their education in reaching the achievements and success of our society. Today’s education system should be able to follow the change in the world and try to meet the demands of a globalized society READ MORE >

Entrepreneurship at school

Developing and promoting entrepreneurship education has been one of the key policy objectives of the EU institutions and Member States for many years. When it comes to talking about entrepreneurship, usually the first things that come to mind are business and material things. That is why it is important to have a look at the READ MORE >

Design thinking at school

Design thinking is a creative problem-solving technique, to define and solve tough challenges. Design thinking is a process for solving problems by prioritizing the consumer’s needs above anything else. It’s a process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. Teams use design thinking to READ MORE >