Digital Footprint and the Dlearn survey

Give us your opinion and take the survey:

The digital footprint is a matter of concern for the European Digital Learning Network, and we have previously debated about it: it is the trail of data you literally leave behind when you do anything online. Today, it is important to remark such a sensitive subject, so that most of the people reading our articles might be fully aware and could spread the word.

The scope of the digital footprint is huge, since there is a lot of misinformation, as well as lack of knowledge about the topic and its range of influence. Dlearn wants to raise the awareness towards it dramatically, and it took this commitment with great effort.

Since the beginning of July, Dlearn and the European Association for Viewers Interests (EAVI), in collaboration with Prof. Przemek Sękalski of the Technical University of Lodz, have been promoting a research to collect data about citizens’ awareness as to their digital footprint. One of the main objectives of this important survey is to measure how much control respondents from all around Europe currently exercise over their digital footprint, and how much control they wish to be able to – or are willing to – exercise, as well as the protections and safeguards they would like to see put in place in the future.

The research has reached a significant pool of respondents, due to the importance of the issue and the wide network Dlearn is capable to approach.

Bear in mind that the results of the research will be shared with relevant Institutions, namely the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, in order to stimulate the taking up of eventual measures and actions.

Stand out and give your little though essential contribution, the research is about to close, and we always welcome any extra hand to support the cause.

Take the survey in your language or in English!

Digital Footprint awareness

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