Let’s disseminate! The ANEMELO’s brochure and next date

Previously, here and here on the DLEARN website, we have talked about ANEMELO, an Erasmus+ project co-founded by the European Commission that involves six organisations from five different countries, including the European Digital Learning Network.

For the purpose of keeping up with the development of this European project, let’s provide for a small wrap-up: ANEMELO aims at fighting against the invasive marketing techniques, raising the overall literacy among kids and teachers. Moreover, the project develops an Augmented Reality game, turning a theoretical approach to the issue into a practical and more engaging one.

As DLEARN is in charge of the dissemination, after the release of the infographic the next step concerns the distribution of the ANEMELO’s brochure: it presents the project in a catchy way, going through the main points of the addressed issues and the ongoing solutions.

The newsletter talks about the Kick-off meeting of the project, which took place in Edinburgh on November 8th, 2017. In Cipro, on May 7th, the University of Nicosia will be hosting the second partners’ meeting; it will be a great occasion for the partners to share perspectives, to catch up with each other’s work, and to plan a to-do list to improve the overall progress of the project.

Don’t lose any update from ANEMELO, download the brochure and stay tuned!