Category: Uncategorised

Training courses

    Training courses open to EU organisations and individuals which will aim to increase the skills and knowledge of those involved on various topics(“Maximising the impact of eU projects”, “EU projectManagement”, “Building capacity of new coming organisations in EU projects”). Read the full report of training course in Aveiro HERE. Read the full report READ MORE >

Satellite conferences

    DIGITEDU Satellite Conferences: Insights from Greece and Latvia! Explore comprehensive reports on the DIGITEDU satellite conferences organized by IDEC SA and gain valuable insights into the discussions, presentations, and key takeaways from the event held in Greece on October 24th, as well as the two-day satellite conference in Latvia on November 8th and READ MORE >

Digit Edu 2023 Webinars

The much-anticipated DIGITEDU 2023 project kicked off its transformative webinar series in July, ushering in a new era of digital education. Organized by the European Digital Learning Network ETS, in collaboration with esteemed members, the series comprised four unmissable online appointments, all offered free of charge to a global audience. The inaugural webinar, “Digitalisation of READ MORE >

Annual Conference in Brussels

The Digitedu Annual Conference kicked off in Brussels with a warm welcome and insightful opening remarks that set the tone for a day dedicated to exploring the future of digital education. The event brought together experts, educators, and thought leaders to delve into key aspects of formal education and its digital transformation. The first panel READ MORE >

Digital Skills and jobs 2023

Dive into the future of education with our latest report on Digital Skills and Jobs in the Framework of Digit Edu 2023. Explore the dynamic landscape where education intersects with the digital realm. Uncover key insights, trends, and recommendations shaping the development of digital skills and job opportunities within the context of Digit Edu 2023. READ MORE >