IoT Nuggets

IoT Nuggets

No one doubts that the Internet of Things (IoT) represents a massive opportunity for businesses and consumers. Most organizations are only just starting to scratch the surface of what they can achieve with IoT solutions.

On the other hand, security is what really needs to be designed from the very beginning of developing IoT services and products. The growing threat of cyberattacks has made governments and companies more aware of the need to defend the computerized control system of utilities and other critical infrastructure. With the new regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) new profession is in place – Data protection officer and so new skills are required. The October 2017 European Council called for training and education system to be “fit for the digital age” in communication from the Commission from 17.01.2018 when presenting the new Digital Educational Action Plan.

IoTNuggets aims to develop a new methodology and framework with model of digital competences – the very specific field of Cyber Security in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. Much like the state of healthcare and medicine, cybersecurity changes all the time based upon hackers’ tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), new technologies, etc.

Consequently, continuous education is essential. We face a constantly evolving need for media literacy and a wide mix of digital skills and competences including safety, security and privacy, but getting them to the wider population and more advanced professions and sectors remains a challenge. We are developing the grounds for further development and exploitation within IoT as identified need for the business.