Foster, mUltiply and connecT adUlt Edcation

Foster, mUltiply and connecT adUlt Edcation – FUTURE is a project for the exchange of good practices that aims to create a favorable environment in the field of adult education, in order to fully embrace digital education. More in details, the project aims to analyze and understand possible future scenarios in the field of adult education related to the use of tools and methodologies supported by digital for educational processes, dynamics within social classes, inclusive learning and teaching methodologies for adults.

FUTURE originates from an initiative of the European Digital Learning Network and its members (some of which are part of this consortium) that dates back to the European survey promoted between May and September 2017. The survey “What do you think about the future of digital education and Training in EU?” aimed to understand the point of view of those who work in education and training with a bottom-up approach. The objective was to collect as much data as possible from those who work daily in this area and can suggest improvements and changes accordingly. The survey has allowed to gather a lot of information about Education&Training from a general perspective, involving also a specific focus on adult education. More than 1000 people involved to a certain degree in the world of education has been reached, and a special Pledge by the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition has guaranteed high levels of visibility and dissemination. More in details, the outputs of FUTURE will be:

  1. A collection of case studies related to the most effective methods applied to learning models which adopt ICT tools;
  2. A database of free and open source online tools, easily customisable and adaptable to different fields; they will be analyzed and decoded by project partners according to their propensity to adapt to the needs of the educator and the learner;
  3. A kit of resources that will gather all the results from the previous points.

FUTURE addresses its results to education professionals engaged in adult education, in order to provide practical tools for the improvement of their skills, as foreseen also by the new strategy “Upskilling Pathways: New Opportunities for Adults” (EU 19.12.16 on pathways to improve the level skills: new opportunities for adults). One of the pillars is to support the initial training and continuous professional development of professionals dedicated to the provision of paths to improve the level of skills, in particular teachers and professional trainers. In fact, educators are looked as models in our society, and it is vital for them to be equipped with adequate digital skills to be able to participate actively in the society with the role they play.
