The 2018 round of new projects has been full of achievements for DLEARN! Innovative trends and topics still to be sustained composed our roster for this year’s session of project design, which has involved both our members and new partner entities, selected on the basis of their high level expertise in relevant sectors. The right people in the right place, all committed to our efforts towards the promotion of key digital skills for the European citizens!

Bottom line, this year’s submission window for Erasmus + KA2 proposals has increased our ranks with 8 new approved projects. 8 new challenges, 8 new opportunities to bring the EU experience closer to people in the field of education and training and produce an impact at local, national and European level.

6 out of this 8 new projects fall within the category of ‘Strategic partnership for Adult Education’, which sends a strong signal about the DLEARN’s commitment to this delicate sector, tackling many of Europe’s most pressing challenges, but suffering from the lack of any budget increase in the Commission’s proposal for the new Erasmus programme (to be launched in 2021). This issue, raised the last summer by the European Association of Adult Education, shows the need for adult education to be fostered and defended, also with new meaningful initiatives.

So, let’s have a closer look to the new projects of DLEARN:

  • AUDID, ‘ AdUlts, Data and emerging Identities’, which has the goal to empower adults to deal effectively with issues associated to online identities, cryptocurrencies and e-wallets.
  • DIVERSELY CODING, ‘Coding for improving the social inclusion’, focused on the development of digital skills tailored on the need of deaf people.
  • FREE TO CODE, Improving digital and coding skills for inmates’, setting the ambitious goal of using digital skills and computer programming as a means of human development to help adult European prisoners to re-enter society with a resalable expertise.
  • FUTURE, ‘Foster, mUltiply and connecT adUlt Edcation’, an “exchange of good practices” project coordinated by DLEARN and dedicated to the members of our network, which will explore and analyse the possible future scenarios for what concerns the adoption of innovative digital solutions in the adult learning.
  • IoT NUGGETS,’ Internet of Things security nuggets’, a VET project aiming to prepare experts in data and security protection within the IoT ecosystem based on the new approach of “learning nuggets”, for fast and on-demand learning.
  • L-CLOUD, ‘Developing Tomorrow’s Cloud Education Leaders’, a project in the sector of school education designed to promote the leadership in cloud computing solutions and their benefits for teaching and learning methods in school.
  • OPEN YOUR EYES, ‘Fake news for dummies’, developed to promote the digital literacy of adult learners, to be implemented through the exploration of news feeds and building up digital source criticism.
  • YOUR LOCAL GUIDE, which aims to enhance the appeal of touristic places through the engagement of local people, enhancing the touristic potential of their territories.

This is just a first tease, but the kick-off meetings are about to start. Stay tuned to read more about our projects and get involved!