Focusing on people, we should have in mind that every person ought to have a better chance in his/her life and receive support if he/she experiences special difficulties. It is a win-win strategy as it promotes personal and professional development of an individual as well as society flourishing. In this context, it is crucial to improve learning opportunities.

The Erasmus+ “Count Me In” project aims at supporting development of a quality learning offer in the field of adult education focusing on learning outcomes and learner responsibility and autonomy as well as promoting the use of technology in educational and civil participation processes.

count me in
The Kick-off meeting in Turin

On 11-12 December 2017, the first transnational meeting was held by Istituto dei Sordi, in Turin (Italy). It was a great opportunity for the consortium to coordinate the start of activities and to define all the next steps that would be undertaken by each partner from then on.

COUNT ME IN targets areas such as water management, waste management, energy management, urban mobility, e-governance, citizen services, and data-mining. Around them, it aims to provide a SMART database, including ideas and projects, as well as e-courses for educators and learners translated in all the languages of the consortium. So far, the SMART database is about to be completed, and the foundations for the next e-course developments will be laid very soon.

Check the website to stay updated!