Launched in September2022, this Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnership project entitled “DIGITALIATORS-Digital upskilling for senior citizens, focused on their everyday necessary online transactions, especially after the pandemic” aims at:
- developing learning strategies and tools designed specifically for meeting the needs of senior people, themajority of whom have poor digital skills in order to give them the knowledge and skills to cope with the digital applicationsthey encounter daily;
- educating in a comprehensive and effective way people in need of digital training;
- creating and promoting learning opportunities mainly for senior citizens, but including all citizens and generations that are in need for the high quality training it will offer as well.
COVID-19 has brought many changes, causing serious and unprecedented problems in daily life, especially the elderly age group has struggled and suffered a lot because they found themselves scared and vulnerable in front of the pandemic, and felt los tin the ongoing digitalization of almost every routine of daily life.In many European countries the digitalization of the state and bureaucratic procedures is today reality, but it is not so easy for everyone. The lack of digital knowledge and skills provokes stress and the feeling to be excluded.
To prevent the above-mentioned issues, the main objective of the DIGITALIATORS project is to address the digital transformation of society and services offered by both the public and the private sectors of the economy through developing and offering high quality, flexible learning materials to senior citizens and adults facing problems to make their lives easier:
- To define the needs of senior citizens in all participating countries by detecting the level of competence of seniors, to map the most common online transactions in each country as well as to reveal the reasons hindering senior citizens from using and trusting online procedures.
- To develop high quality capacity building learning material(e-learning and blended learning materials)for senior citizens, designed specifically to meet their needs as far as their online transactions are concerned.
- To test the learning material produced in all participating countries in order to gather feedback from seniors, observe their progress and make the necessary corrections and adjustments.
- To develop and test of capacity building material for IT educators enabling them to deal with seniors
Therefore, DIGITAILORS project will focus on developing the following:Digital up skilling for seniors on basic everyday online bureaucratic transactions,
- Competences for seniors to avoid paying external service providers,
- Information on the risks of both conventional and online payment,
- Promoting a better and safer consumer attitude,
- Competencies for IT educators for teaching seniors,
- Improvement of seniors’ well-being and mental health,
- Improvement of everyday life for senior citizens,
- Inclusion for seniors.
The direct target group of the project is represented by individual persons and institutions, more specifically: senior adults, IT educators, organisations and entities providing IT education, third age Universities to organise blended learning.
DIGITALIATORS’ consortium is led by the coordinator E-business Academy (Bulgaria)and composed of 5European partners:
-IDEC (Greece),
-European Digital Learning Network ETS (Italy),
-A & A Emphasys Interactive Solutions Ltd (Cyprus),
-Agentia pentru Dezvoltare RegionalaNord-Est (Romania),
-UPI –ljudska univerza Zalec (Slovenia)
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