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Quality Blended Learning:  Boosting Educator’s Competences to do Quality Blended Learning

Quality Blended Learning: Boosting Educator’s Competences to do Quality Blended Learning

February 1st, 2017 Maurane Populo

The project Boosting Educator’s Competences to do Quality Blended Learning will equip educators with a quality handbook about blended learning and an interactive learning platform (Blended Learning Gym). The handbook will be based on an in – depth analysis of the target group’s (=educators) needs and will present a guide in the development process of READ MORE >



February 1st, 2017 Maurane Populo

Elearning plays a more and more important role in the further education.  People who want and needs further education very often are not able to participate in face-to-face courses: Women or men with young children, employees in shift-work, people in responsible jobs who works not only in the regular time are some of them. But READ MORE >

AUREA4RURAL : Novel digital tool and embedded learning approach for the use of augmented reality in rural tourism and related sectors

AUREA4RURAL : Novel digital tool and embedded learning approach for the use of augmented reality in rural tourism and related sectors

January 18th, 2017 Maurane Populo

AUREA4RURAL aims to create an innovative digital Augmented Reality platform for the rural tourism sector along with a training content according to the competences of the staff working in this sector businesses: managers of public Natural Parks, rural hotels and restaurants, companies providing leisure activities, culture or environment departments from rural towns and villages. This READ MORE >

How to validate digital skills

How to validate digital skills

December 7th, 2016 Maurane Populo

Digital technologies are a focus for new opportunities, directly dealing with innovation, growth and job creation but, so far, there is not yet a common understanding of what are the most important digital skills to be developed, neither at European level. In Europe there are hundreds of thousands of ICT centres, libraries and NGOs where READ MORE >

Strategy digital workforce

Strategy digital workforce

December 7th, 2016 Maurane Populo

The strategy digital workforce is a new deal for each kind of business or organization. Figures coming from Accenture Strategy global research indicate that most of business are requesting digital competences of their workforce. The research shows also that the same employees have a deep interest in digital strategies also to improve their work experience READ MORE >