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Digitalisation and digital skills: what do we think about?

Digitalisation and digital skills: what do we think about?

April 7th, 2017 Maurane Populo

As part of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, (Rome, on 23 March 2017), EU Commission has reported about progresses on high-performance computing, connected mobility and industry digitisation. It was also an opportunity to look at particular topics impacting our lives as European citizens. Our future is strictly connected to READ MORE >

Welcome to a new member of Dlearn

Welcome to a new member of Dlearn

March 31st, 2017 Maurane Populo

Few days ago a new member joined the Dlearn family! The Politechnika Łódzka Centrum Technologii Informatycznych, in Poland is now part of the network. Happy that our network is keep growing! Stay tuned for more.

IN PLACE – Innovative Video Presentations for Learning Creative Entrepreneurship

IN PLACE – Innovative Video Presentations for Learning Creative Entrepreneurship

March 20th, 2017 Maurane Populo

IN PLACE main aim is to contribute to high quality work-based VET for young people and afterwards to increase their competitiveness at labor market. The project is going to establish a background for good practice exchange at the European level and to create conditions for teachers’ discussions and verification of methods for assessment the learners READ MORE >

Which are the competences that make a youth succeed in life?

Which are the competences that make a youth succeed in life?

March 18th, 2017 Maurane Populo

Have you ever asked yourself which are the competences that make a person succeed in life? The European Commission, the DG EAC, has just launched a PUBLIC CONSULTATION about the key competences to LIFE LONG LEARNING to update the RECCOMANDATIONS on KEY COMPETENCES to lifelong learning 2006. Competences as KNOWLEDGE + SKILLS + ATTITUDES in READ MORE >

DIGIT: Boost competences for a responsible use of online identity

DIGIT: Boost competences for a responsible use of online identity

March 17th, 2017 Maurane Populo

DIGIT is strongly based on the need of adult citizens to easily understand concepts related to the digital identity, i.e. the image and the behavior they have when using the most common tools on the internet (emails, social networks, e-commerce, etc.). Therefore the main scope of the project is to create educational contents and adult READ MORE >