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May 22nd, 2017 Maurane Populo

Let’s code!

Let’s code!

April 28th, 2017 Maurane Populo

Sai cos’è il coding? Vuoi saperne di più? Sai che può aiutare ad imparare in modo nuovo e più facile la matematica? Vuoi scoprire come? Partecipa a un sondaggio e grazie al tuo contributo capirai come usare in modo divertente e utile il coding anche a scuola! Stiamo raccogliendo informazioni circa i bisogni formativi più READ MORE >

Who really knows what E-LEARNING is and where is it from?

Who really knows what E-LEARNING is and where is it from?

April 22nd, 2017 Maurane Populo

Quite simply, E-LEARNING stands for “electronic learning”, namely using a digital device  to teach, train and learn. Literally, according to The Economic Times, E-LEARNING is «a learning system based on formalised teaching but with the help of electronic resources». On the basis of this, it would seem E-LEARNING is something really new and novel…but it READ MORE >

Return on Investment of Work Based Learning and apprenticeships

Return on Investment of Work Based Learning and apprenticeships

April 15th, 2017 Maurane Populo

“RoI of WBL and apprenticeships” proposes the development of a cost and social benefits model calibrated on the specific needs of European small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in order for their managers and entrepreneurs to calculate the return on investment for apprenticeships and work-based learning supply. The general objectives of the project are: – Make READ MORE >