Digitally – Competent Educational Organisations
A European framework to promote Effective Digital-Age Learning All different levels of education incorporate digital technologies in different ways and complexity. But the revolution brought by the digital transformation, especially at educational level is yet to be fully achieved. How educational institutions can be sustainable and adapt their educational offer? How they can exploit their READ MORE >
A new method of teaching is turning the traditional classroom on its head. But what is a flipped classroom? It inverts traditional teaching methods, delivering instruction online outside of class and moving homework into the classroom. What the model of the flipped classroom does? Basically students watch the lectures at home at their own pace READ MORE >
DESI – The digital economy and society index
DG Connect within the initiative of the Digital Agenda, launched 2 months ago DESI. The Digital Economy and Society Index is a composite index that summarises relevant indicators on Europe’s digital performance and tracks the evolution of EU member states in digital competitiveness. It measures 5 different dimensions: Connectivity, Human Capital, Use of Internet, Integration READ MORE >
Keep calm and learn coding
We are in front of the 4.0 revolution, where any human activity interfaces with digital tools, meaning that we have now to accept to change language and to become literate of a language spoken by the ICT tools. Programming is everywhere and fundamental to the understanding of a hyper-connected world. To learn programming means to READ MORE >
Digital Agenda and digital learning
The long journey The European Digital Agenda of the European Commission is one of the 7 pillars of the Europe 2020 Strategy and proposes to better exploit the potential of ICTs in order to foster innovation, economic growth and progress across Europe. Today ICT is part of daily life for many Europeans, but some parts READ MORE >