BE-Digital – Alliance for Fostering Business and Education Innovation through Digital Supply Chains

Launched in July 2022, the Erasmus+ Alliances for innovation entitled “Alliances for Fostering Business and Education Innovation through Digital Supply Chain – BE-Digital” was granted by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. During a period of 36 months, its consortium will seek at identifying the digital needs and opportunities within the Supply Chains ecosystem, to develop an innovative HE and VET program which will provide pupils with digital competences and skills thanks to the collaboration of educational and corporate organizations in Europe.

BE-Digital’s consortium is led by the coordinator Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and composed of 9 European partners, Agrupameno de Escoos José Estêvão (Portugal), Atlantis Engineering (Greece), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pecs-Baranya (Hungary), CCS Digital Education (Ireland), Enti COnfindustriali Lombardi per l’Education (Italy), European Digital Learning Network (Italy), Frederick University (Cyprus), Institute of Entrepreneurship development (Cyprus) and Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria).

In 2020 the European Skills Index (it’s “Cedefop’s composite indicator measuring the performance of EU skills systems”), ranked Greece, Ireland, Cyprus and Italy the 31st, 30th, 28th and 26th out of 31 European countries in terms of skills matching (it “represents the degree of successful utilisation of skills, the extent to which skills are effectively matched in the labour market”). The lowest ranks, which bring a wide skills gap in many sectors such as ICT, supply chain or engineering while new technologies are creating new jobs which are requiring special competencies.

Disruptive technology “affects the normal operation of a market or an industry” and “displaces a well-established product or technology, creating a new industry or market”. Hence, it means being able to work with digital information or enable traceability in the supply chain.

The goal of the BE-Digital project is highly related to disruptive technologies and the supply chain management sectors. In fact, the concept of digital supply chains is fostering the use of disruptive technologies interventions such as:

  • Automated guided vehicles (AGVs)
  • Internet of things (IoT)
  • Data Analytics and Big Data (including blockchain)
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)

Therefore BE-Digital project will focus on developing the following:

  1. Creation of an innovative curriculum for HE, ECVET profile and curriculum for the VET students in order to fill the market skills gap in the field of digital SC management and tackle future skill mismatches.
  2. The development of specialized four courses (within the ECTS and ECVET) on Digital SCs, including IoT, AGVs, Data Analytics (including Blockchain), and AR/VR, to train students on how to use state-of-the-art disruptive technologies to transform business models.
  3. The modernization of the teaching approaches through the creation of interactive learning tools inspired by industry to equip educators with new capabilities for conveying knowledge.
  4. The configuration and parameterisation of a moodle-based platform which will allow a continuous and adapting support of the students, to reduce the learning costs in HE, VET and businesses, as well as boost distance learning.
  5. The launching of pilot courses in different countries (including mobility) for students and prospective trainers to empower knowledge transfer among participants, to validate and evaluate the developed courses.
  6. The planning of study field activities in enterprises to let students obtain a real-world experience with digital technologies.
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1st issue – December 2022

2nd issue – June 2023

3rd issue – January 2024

4th issue – June 2024
