Policy coherence 2030

The European Digital Learning Network was delighted to take part and contributing to the EU2030 Working Group on policy coherence organised by LLLP. The meeting, to which The European Digital Learning Network officer participated remotely, was held on the 11th April 2022. The Working Group work plan has the goal of boosting policy synergies within the ET2030 Framework by preparing papers, statements and carrying out joint work and effort on policies regarding education and training. Members of civil society organisations, mainly Brussels based are part of this Working Group and will be in charge of monitoring and sharing views on the implementation of the Skills Agenda, the Digital Education Action Plan, the European Education Area by keeping a strong focus and attention on social inclusion. The main theme of this Working Group is in fact, for the current year, investment in education and training. Next steps will be the participation to a dedicated Focus Group and the direct contribution to the drafting of Annual theme Position Paper.