Today, June the 12th, has been declared the #Saveyourinternet day, to bring attention on the threat contained in the Copyright Directive which will be voted by the European Parliament on 20-21 June.
The campaign can be supported by Embedding the ‘Email Your MEP’ on your own website, adding the #SaveYourInternet Action Day banners to your website or write a blog post about it and informing your network through your mailinglists and social media channel (twitter #SaveYourInternet).
This is the latest fight of the ongoing struggle the European Digital Learning Network has been leading for months (see also
Despite encouraging the modification of the legal framework on copyright, this reform could put at risk any form of free dissemination of knowledge and encouragement towards digital education.
More precisely education could be negatively affected by creating rules only applicable to digital uses, restricting the using of exception only for formal education institutions and freedom accorded to member states to give preference to licensing mechanism, thus leading to legal uncertainty and disparity.
Dlearn has repeatedly solicited intervention in order to reshape copyright to facilitate “modern education which spans the lives of learners, and take place in a variety of formal and informal settings, online as well as offline”.
Despite recognising the need of a framework update, this reform is anything but clear and open to the needs of the education sector. For this reason, we ask you to support our fight at