DLEARN joins the EU Digital Assembly 2018

On the occasion of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Sofia is hosting on the 25-26 June the Digital Assembly 2018, an important annual event which puts together more than 1.000 stakeholders and policy-makers to debate about the implementation of European digital policies and the future plans to cope with the continuous technological development.

The agenda for the two days includes three plenary sessions and five parallel workshops on relevant digital trends and key topics, plus four thematic briefings to introduce the participants on the following critical points:

  • Digital in the upcoming Multiannual Financial Framework
  • Free flow of non-personal data and the April 2018 Data package
  • European Electronic Communications Code
  • Promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services.

Current EU initiatives and opportunities in the field of digital, plus a selection of remarkable projects funded by the EU, are going to be showcased during a parallel interactive exhibition.

The EU, through different measures and investments, is producing a great push to close the digital gap between different Member States and pave the way for the challenges of tomorrow. This is going to be reflected in the upcoming new Multiannual Financial Framework (2021 – 2027) and in the full implementation of the Digital Single Market strategy, by the end of 2018. But there’s more: during the Assembly, the new Digital Agenda for the Balkans is going to be unveiled, highlighting the plan set up by the Commission and Ministers from six Balkan regions to enhance their digital performances, allowing Balkan citizens (still outside the EU, although candidate for future membership) to seize the benefits of a digital uptake in the national economic system. These six partner countries are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia.

DLEARN is proud to be attending this key event in the lovely capital of Bulgaria, contributing with our acknowledged expertise in the field and our renovated commitment to make the most out of the digital transformation, putting this process at the service of EU citizens!