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ACTIvE (Job coACh supporTIng school studEnts with Autism Spectrum Disorder to acquire independency) is an Erasmus + funded project aiming to promote social inclusion within school education through a holistic approach. Thanks to the external collaboration of the Job Coach educator profile, school systems will be empowered to support ASD students with special needs, making their talent emerge. In particular, ACTIvE wants to:
- Provide educators working in school contexts with innovative Continuous Professional Development opportunities to deal with ASD students (competences to increase social and personal autonomy of ASD adolescents using psychological and educational best practices);
- Develop a long-lasting relationship among all actors in school (families, teachers, headmasters, NGOs working with autism, external stakeholders);
- Promote social inclusion through talent development;
- Create synergies at local and European level to develop innovative practices for inclusive Europe with a bottom-up approach.
- To reach these project objectives, the consortium has designed a set of activities grouped into two innovative results (Intellectual Outputs) over a period of 30 months in total (start: 1st December 2019 – end: 31st May 2022).
The aim of this first IO is to develop a full-fledged curriculum for the ACTIVE – JOB COACH profile, tailor-made on the training needs of educators and psychologists working in a school context with ASD students (age 15-18). The curriculum includes key knowledge, skills and competences related to the educational profile of the JOB COACH.
The second innovative result to be delivered is the development of a new online learning environment, enriched with training materials for educators, a collaborative space for the users (namely, the community of practice) and an Info Desk, which will serve as a contact point among platform users and project partners. The info desk will be active for at least 3 years after the end of project funding, in order to guarantee the sustainability of the project’s results.
Stay up to date on the project online:
Visit the project website: www.activeautism.eu
Follow the project activities on
- Facebook: @ACTIvEAutismJobCoach