Digitalisation and digital skills: what do we think about?

As part of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, (Rome, on 23 March 2017), EU Commission has reported about progresses on high-performance computing, connected mobility and industry digitisation. It was also an opportunity to look at particular topics impacting our lives as European citizens. Our future is strictly connected to digitalisation as a key aspect of enhancement and development of EU future.
Digitalisation is a turning point: exploiting its huge potential will make the difference! It will improve the quality of our lives changing the way we do things. It will strength economy while availing all the untapped opportunities of digitalisation so that business will thrive throughout this transformation process. One of the outcome of the Digital Day was the initiative to launch a pilot project for up 6000 graduate students aiming at testing their interest, along with companies’ one, towards the paid 5-6 months internship in specific fields requiring digital skills.
So, what is our general opinion on Digital Skills?
Here you can find results of online polls related to this topic released during one of the Digital Day sessions